Monday, May 21, 2007

Just What I Needed...

The past few days have been a such a great time with our friends here in Ohio. With some of the things that are going on right now, having friends and family that you love means more than you'll ever know.

We hung out with Derek & Casey and their boys on Saturday night and had a great time... Sunday we went to Sarah's graduation party and spent time with Sean & Rachel, Steve & Nicki and saw a bunch of other people there too. Then, today I hung out with Tony, then Cheryl and I had dinner with Dave & Kelly at our place.

It is so great living and going to church in the same town. It's so conducive to building community and deepening relationships.

Plus, we're coming back to Michigan this weekend and we'll get to see our family... it's been too long and we're really excited to see everyone again! We'll even get a chance to see two of the best friends we've ever had from Las Vegas!!

God has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams...

1 comment:

d-roc said...

Loved having you two over. We need to have dinner sometime.