Saturday, November 19, 2005

Close Encounters & Buckeye Crow

So last night we were at Red Robin in Livonia and the place was jam packed with people. One of those people just happened to be the Head Coach of the Detroit Red Wings, Mike Babcock.

Needless to say, I was quite excited. I mean, he was standing literally two feet away from us. He was there with his family and his kids were hugging on him and obviously were very glad to see him. The Wings had just returned from a Western road trip and hadn't done very well.

I kept thinking about saying hello and trying to get a picture with him, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. All I could think about was that this guy hadn't seen his family in a while and the last thing he needed was some crazy Wings fan bugging him. At one point I got out the camera phone and tried to nonchalantly snap a candid shot, but again, I couldn't do it. Just as I decided against it, his wife saw me and told her son, "That guy is trying to take a picture of your dad," I quickly let her know I wanted to, but didn't. She then responded, "Good choice."

So anyway, that is the second wing I have seen at a restaurant this year. I also saw Tomas Holmstrom at Max and Erma's out at 12 Oaks. But again, family members were present and I just couldn't bring myself to bug the guy in the outside world.

Also wanted to eat some crow for all my new friends in Ohio. Great job today in beating the Wolverines (like either of us had anything to do with it). Try not to set any cars on fire or riot, it's just a football game.

Sorry Penn State couldn't lose to Michigan State so your Big Ten season could be complete. Can't wait until next year... hopefully we'll be able to kick your butts in the Horseshoe.


Anonymous said...

I think it was good you didn't snap the picture. I know if I was somehow suddenly popular I wouldn't want people staring at me or wanting my picture or an autograph or something. I always wonder if stars or VIPs crave a normal life.

I was at a Mexican restaurant in Telluride with some friends after skiing when Tom Cruise and his entourage walked in. My back was to him but I was about a foot away from him at one point. Immediately one of the people at our table asked our waiter if he would get Cruise's autograph for him. The waiter declined. I was embarrased that he would even ask.

Steve W.

Larry Castle said...

Scott, I'm proud of you. I think we make way too much of celebrity in our culture anyway.

Faithful Joy said...

All I can say is GO BUCKS!


It was a real nail biter, wasn't it?