Tuesday, November 04, 2008

President Obama

I haven't had a lot of great things to say about Barack Obama or the Democrats in general on this Blog in the past few months.

The truth is, a few things morally made me change my mind about Obama toward the end of the Summer. Until that point I was leaning heavily toward Barack Obama.

As a person who grew up as a "Republican" from a very young age, the fact that I even considered Obama was a huge step. Being a Christian has left me with a lot of conflicted feelings. Ultimately, his stance on certain moral issues made me feel like I could not support him for President.

When you throw into the mix the fact there are so many Democrats (and Republicans) that have raped America (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac & the Bailout), I felt like I needed to temper the power that the Democrats would hold by voting for McCain.

On the topic of McCain, the Republicans could not have put up a more pathetic candidate. McCain never had the charisma or a strong conservative stance that got the base excited. The fact that him choosing Sarah Palin was the thing that excited Republicans tells you a lot about John McCain's strength as a candidate. I love Sarah Palin by the way... many people hate her, but she is amazing and I look forward to seeing where she ends up in the future.

I respect John McCain, but he just didn't have that "it" factor. He finally got his shot at the Presidency and I am happy for him on that front, but in the end, he was just up against an unstoppable force.

Barack Obama brought hope to so many American's lives at a time when we needed hope of some kind. We can only hope that President Obama can bring our country together and usher us into a brighter future.

I can now say that I support this President and more importantly will pray for him and his staff and hope for better days. We are all Americans and for all the complaints that we may have, this is still the greatest country in the world.

God Bless America and God Bless our new President Elect, Barack Obama.

1 comment:

GodSide said...

dude you have to read my entry from tonight! I swear I didnt read yours before writing mine...and we said nearly the same stuff!