Thursday, October 16, 2008

When Late Night Attacks...

No wonder McCain blew him off...

After watching David Letterman this evening, it was perfectly clear to me that Dave thinks he is some kind of investigative journalist.

During the first few minutes of the interview (if
 you can call it that), they joked back and forth about Senator McCain ditching Dave a few weeks ago. Dave has been relentless about McCain not showing up and has been cracking on the Senator ever since.

Once most of the pleasantries were over, Dave began questioning John about Sarah Palin. He just hammered and hammered John about whether or not she was ready if she had to take over as President. Of course, Senator McCain backed his VP, but Dave continued. Finally at one point, John pointed out that there was this little known Governor from a relatively small state, Arkansas, that turned out to be a pretty good President (some might disagree)... Bill Clinton.

In the midst of all this, Dave said he would love to have Sarah Palin on the program... yeah, let's get that set up for you right away Dave. I'm sure you'll give her nothing but the respect she deserves...

Dave wasn't finished yet. His next "To Catch a Predator" moment was bringing up how insignificant it was that Obama knew William Ayers. Dave said that Obama's relationship with Ayers was nothing more than McCain's relationship with G. Gordon Liddy. The only problem with that comparison is Liddy burglarized the Democratic Party (Watergate) and Bill Ayers bombed the Pentagon (and other places).

I had a feeling that Dave didn't treat Senator Obama the same way. After doing a little YouTube-ing and seeing Barack on Letterman (multiple times), there is no question that Dave served the Senator a bunch of softballs for him to knock out of the park. Not one single confrontational question for the Senator with a whole 3 years of experience in the Senate.

I've been holding back from saying this - I hope I'm wrong - but the Media and the fringe in this country may get exactly what they have always wanted if Obama wins. Utopia... a country where the government helps us "spread the wealth."

It's called socialism... enjoy.


Cheryl said...

Sounds like a case of "be careful what you wish for..."

Unknown said...

Dude. (read into that a tone of disappointment)