Monday, August 06, 2007

Time to Kill

I had a little time to kill... and TiVo rewarded me with two movies with tons of kills in them.

The Rock and Die Hard may not be considered classics, but there was a time when I truly enjoyed action movies like these. I found out that they were pretty fun to watch again.

First off, Sean Connery is just fun to watch. I need to look into finding some of his James Bond films as I can only imagine they would be a lot of fun to watch as well. We have another Connery film available on the DVR, Finding Forrester and there's is just something pretty funny about hearing the beloved Scotsman yell, "Who's the man know, dog?"

Bruce Willis has always been a favorite of mine. He just comes off as your average everyday kind of guy. He'll probably never win an Oscar, but he will entertain you when you put down some green to see one of his movies. Plus, has there ever been a better action movie line than that nasty little phrase he utters in Die Hard? It has to be up there with "Go ahead make my day," and "Say hello to my little friend!"

Action movies may not be tops on the film critic's lists, but next time you need a little mindless entertainment let yourself enjoy a good old fashioned car chasing, exploding, shoot 'em up
action movie.


Cheryl said...

The best car chases in recent years, in my opinion, are in the "Bourne" movies.

Casey said...

No thanks, I'll stick to comedy.

Kristi Kurtz said...

Did you see his new one.."Live Free, Die Hard"? I thought it was sooo awesome and I am not usually an action movie kind of girl! You gotta see it.

Love reading your entries (and your beautiful wife's too) keeps me connected to you guys though you now live in Ohio? Ohio...that is just weird. :)

GodSide said...

That is so funny...after seeing the latest Die Hard I have been wanting to rent the first one.