Monday, August 13, 2007

Hot Fuzz

Just watched the movie, Hot Fuzz on DVD. If you are a fan of Shaun of the Dead, this movie will not disappoint you. Just a warning though, it's British and has a little gore in it.

The movie centers around a police officer (Simon Pegg) from London who does his job a little to well for the liking of his superiors. Since he makes arrests and stops crimes with such efficiency, they decide he is making them all look bad and he needs to be reassigned to another post. He ends up in a small town with no crime... or so we think. Soon he unearths the mother of all conspiracies and the hilarity ensues.

His sidekick (Nick Frost - also his sidekick in Shaun of the Dead) is enamored with the Hollywood version of policing. He asks his new police officer buddy if he has done all types of scenarios which he has seen some of his movie star heroes perform throughout the film. The best one is when he asks if he has ever had a chance to shoot a bad guy who was getting away from him, but couldn't bring himself to do it because he knew him then fired his gun in the air and screamed like Keanu Reeves in Point Break.

Much like Shaun of the Dead there is all sorts of crazy action that has a bit of humor thrown into it. It's worth a spin in the old DVD player, but the British humor thing may not register with everyone.

1 comment:

d-roc said...

I have to see this movie. I love Shaun of the Dead. You need to see Delicatessen and City of lost Children. The latter isn't very funny, but I think you will appreciate it's european(French) style.