Thursday, August 16, 2007

Couldn't Have Been Scripted Better

Tonight on Big Brother 8, the stars aligned and the unthinkable happened. 

The man known as Evel Dick (left) did everything in his power to be kicked out of the house by going on an Evel Dick rampage, tearing people apart and acting like a total jerk. He won the Veto Competition and saved his daughter from eviction from the Big Brother House seemingly ensuring his own eviction.


America made things interesting. This season BB8 has someone called America's Player and America gets to see what people say when no one is watching. They know who is lying and who is telling the truth. So last night they told Eric, America's Player, to get one of his own put up for eviction and voted out, Dustin (right). That set the wheels in motion that saved Evel Dick from exiting the house.

Dick lives on for another week and to top it all off, his daughter, Danielle, won the Head of Household competition and will be picking two poor souls to be nominated for eviction this week.

I swear, it seems like someone is writing this stuff, because the likelihood of these events all lining up is completely amazing.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Julie keeps saying "expect the unexpected" for a reason - how many times has the so-called "pawn" been sent home over the past 8 years - lots - and it's always unexpected because these people all LIE TO EACH OTHER CONSTANTALY. Not a fun way to live, I am sure, always having to remember whom you told what to.