If you happen to own a credit card, it would be pretty likely that you also have credit card DEBT! I may be jumping way out on the limb with that one... probably not.
Quite some time ago, I saw a preview for a documentary called, Maxed Out, on the previews of a DVD that we were watching. I was very intrigued, so I put it on the list of DVD's at the local library. We finally got it this past Thursday and it did not disappoint.
This movie should be required watching for high schoolers, young adults, people about to get married, if you are about to go to college or if you happen to spend money. EVERYONE needs to see this movie.
Cheryl and I have major struggles with debt; especially credit card debt and I wish we had known the disaster we were walking into. We never learned about money management or more importantly the value of money earned. Both of us had it pretty good growing up. We took a lot of things for granted and lived way beyond our means when we first got married... 14 years later, we are still paying for those mistakes.
Dave Ramsey is one of the people featured on this DVD. I would highly suggest either reading some of his books or getting to one of his seminars, because this guy has the right idea.
As the tag-line of the Maxed Out suggests: Nothing Is Priceless.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
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