Tuesday, July 03, 2007

And the Rocket's Red Glare...

So we have learned something new about our cute little dog, Bailey... Fireworks scare the living crap out of him! We're talking shivers, panting and pacing like a fiend. Worse than thunderstorms... I knew there was a reason I have no love for fireworks. Watching hard earned money explode into bright colors never appealed to me.

We watched Red, White & Boom on our local NBC affiliate tonight and even a couple of the firework sounds from the television sent him scurrying away looking for shelter.

By the way, someone at the local NBC station could be losing their job tomorrow or really get and earful because the regularly scheduled program, Law & Order: SVU, audio was playing over the music and explosions as we watched. Quite annoying, but funny at the same time.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I have to say I was surprised they didn't come up with a special OSU "Block O" blast. They did play the fight song though.