Wednesday, June 20, 2007

That 'Ol Familar Feeling

Well, as some of you may or may not know, I have had a couple of bad cases of bronchitis.

When we moved to Ohio, I was sick for almost two and a half months. Back in 2002 I also had a real bad case that lasted the entire Summer. My brother had the same thing happen to him that year.

On Monday, I started feeling the itchy throat and stuffiness and started to freak out a little. When you've had a horrible cough that lasts for months and have actually coughed so hard that you've passed out a few times, you tend to be a little more sensitive to certain feelings. Plus, like this guy to the left, people tend to frown on all the germs you're spraying around.

I made an appointment with a new doctor here in town on Tuesday and today I got to meet with him. It was a pretty pleasant experience and I walked away with some medicine to try to help cope with the allergies that bring on these symptoms.

I felt a lot better having had a doc look at me. Usually I end up waiting until I am deathly ill before seeking medical attention, this time I wanted to nip it in the bud.

So all's well here in Buckeye country... except that it's Buckeye country.

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