Part of this epiphany hit me during a mix Cheryl had playing on her iPod. A song by none other than George Michael called "Freedom," was blasting through our car speakers and I realized I had very negative thoughts about this guy based on the fact that he was gay and that he had been busted doing some lewd things in a public restroom.
We also listened to a teaching by Rob Bell on our way up to Michigan about the tongue. One of the things he talked about is our need to find out the "dirt" of other people. Tabloid magazines and even news organizations make huge amounts of cash by filling us in on the goings on of people like Brad & Angelina, Britney, Paris, Lindsay Lohan and Rosie's bickering matches with the Donald and Elizabeth. Even in those situations we make judgments. Paris is a slut, Lindsay is a drunk, Rosie is a liberal, ghastly beast... but how does God see them?
This is where the rubber hits the road. I struggle with this all the time. The human side of me does not think this way. I see someone that looks different, sounds different or acts differently and I automatically make assumptions - - judgments. Usually these are not kind judgments either. I know a lot of times I think I am just making observations that are not racist or judgmental, but let's be honest, all of us have prejudices.
The sad thing for me is when I find myself looking down on people who don't know the Jesus I know. Whether they be Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Hindus or any other religion, my tendency is to think they are idiots. To lessen them. To feel superior to them. To me, this is so far from God's heart for those people. He sent His Son to die for everyone... not just me.
The same can be said for homosexuals, pro-lifers, Democrats, Republicans, anti-war supporters, environmentalists, capitalists, communists or conservatives. God loves them all. Jesus wants their hearts... and I should want that for them as well. The Holy Spirit nudges me in that direction all the time, but I live in my flesh far too often.
There are two songs that I always hear in my head when I begin to ponder this subject... these are two groups from way back in the CCM days, so if you have no idea who they are, don't worry. Petra had a song called, "We Need Jesus," and 4Him did a song titled, "Through His Eyes." Both of those songs have a line that runs through my mind when I am sensitive and listening to what the Spirit has to say:
See each other as He sees us...
If we could see through His eyes
Then we could dare to love
The way God loves
So that is my prayer. Learn to see people the way my Father does. It's not easy, but it has to be the place where God longs for me to be... after all, it is the 2nd Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:39).
Its hard to train our eyes. I am working on it. This can be particularily challenging for me when I encounter someone who is unpleasant to be around for any number of reasons---appearance, odor, personality,etc. And I try very hard to does God see this child of His? I don't know why but for some reason I began commenting and giggling and making judgements about people (usually ones I don't even know, which doesn't make it better or worse) in my youth and it is a hard habit to break. I am so far from perfect and even if I was why would that make it ok?
Within the first seven seconds of meeting or seeing someone you make a judgement. Good, bad, or indifferent, you make a choice on how you will react to that person. Just give each person a chance to change your mind.
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