Saturday, December 02, 2006

Deal or No Deal?

I had a conversation this week that really annoyed me...

When it comes with dealing with our past hurts and pains why do so many Christians tell us to "get over it" or "move on"? While I understand that we can't just dwell in the past or let ourselves spiral down into the depths of depression because people mistreated us or called us names, can't we learn from our past? Can't we begin to see why some of our behaviors or attitudes are affected by our past?

Looking back to your past doesn't always mean that you have to look at the negative either. Jesus asked us to remember Him when we take communion. Hebrews 11 looks back at the past to teach us about faith. God reminded the Children of Israel about their past on a regular basis.

Our past molds us into who we are. The good and the bad.

Some might say that the moment we step into Faith in Christ that "the old has become new" that "the old man" is gone, very true, but a relationship with Christ - at least to me - is not like "the Matrix" where we take the little blue pill and wake up nice and safe, nor is it like taking a red pill and waking up to see how things really are. While I think both of those scenarios may resonate, neither is black or white.

Why are we so afraid of the grey?

When someone tells me that "this is the only way" or think they have it all figured out, I want to tell them they're crazy. I know I shouldn't say things like that, but I don't have time for people who think they know it all, because as much knowledge and we think we have, we haven't even begun to understand God.

God does not fit into our box. He is so much bigger and better than we want Him to be. Once we think we have it all figured out, what is the point then? Where do we go from there? Do we get to walk around with a smile on our faces telling everyone the "truth"? When you get there, you missed the boat and you're right back at the beginning again... ever heard of the Pharisees?

I'm not trying to say that believing in something or having a solid knowledge about something is wrong, but why do we always have to deal in our own form of absolutes. "What works for me must be right for you." Why would a God so creative and unique make all of us fit into the same mold? Aren't there millions of different flowers in the world? Isn't every snowflake that falls from the sky different than the others?

So tell me why we try to make the Creator and Artist of this world fit into our little formula. God can do anything He wants. He can speak to us through all sorts of things... like Balaam's talking donkey, or an angel on a stone in front of a tomb, or a burning bush. The point being, just when we think we have God all figured out, He can flip the script on us.

Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, God likes keeping us on our toes? If we know exactly how, when and where God works, wouldn't that make the relationship with Him a bit stale and boring? With God everyday can be fresh and exciting. But we like things all figured out and comfortable... black and white.

When it comes to our past and dealing with the good and the bad, there has to be a happy medium somewhere. Completely ignoring it just leads to future mistakes and pain. Dwelling on it leads to anxiety and an unfulfilled life. Jesus came to help us experience life to the fullest (John 10:10b).

Take some time to reflect on where you've been through God's eyes, both the good and the bad. Then ask Him to lead you into the future life He promises, living life to its fullest.


Larry Castle said...

Scott, Good post. I agree, we like to make everything neat and clean. I've been learning over the last few years to let's the clarity of God's Word be my guide on this issue. If it's clear there, I can be confident. If it's not so clear there, I have to be willing to admit that I just don't know. It's a lot harder than thinking you have all the answers at first, but what a relief when I realize as Sarah Groves so beautifully says, "It's not up to me, and it never was."

Faithful Joy said...

AMEN brotha! If God could fit in a box He wouldn't be God! He shouldn't be on any shelves either while we try to do everything on our own in our own understanding. Thanks for sharing your heart.