Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Nothin' Like a Good Book.

I've been reading a lot lately.

I am trying to keep up with Cheryl on our little Bible reading schedule - like I said, trying.

The book that has blown me away, is Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis. Right now, if there was a book that I wish every single person who follows Christ would read (besides the Bible), it would have to be this book. Even if you aren't a Christ follower, you'll end up enjoying it.

No matter what you've heard or read about Rob Bell, give this book a chance.

1 comment:

Kristi Kurtz said...

I want to read that book. Have you read "Blue Like Jazz"? That is a book that I want every single person to read. VERY easy read...but very though provoking. Praying God's best for you and Cheryl.