Saturday, June 09, 2007

Movie Night

Alright, time to talk about a few movies...

Cheryl showed me something amazing recently, you can get DVD's for free (well, your hard earned tax dollars anyway) from the Library. I had no idea that new movies would be available, but all you have to do is request them and bang, they get 'em for ya'.

So I got on a waiting list for some and about 5 came in at the same time, so we watched a few today. Thursday, we watched Rocky Balboa and I have to tell you, it was a really good film to end the Rocky franchise on... not amazing, but Rocky 5 was horrible and this one washed some of that bad taste out of my mouth.

So today we ended up watching Fast Food Nation and Running with Scissors. Both of them lean more toward the independent side of movies, so be warned right away, they aren't going to appeal to the masses. Also, in no way am I recommending any of these movies for your viewing, so, no whining please.

Fast Food Nation was almost like a documentary on the fast food industry, but it was totally scripted and took you through the process of the big bad machine that is the fast food. The movie really centers around the beef and where it comes from and how they get it to the companies quickly and cheaply. It is really disturbing if there is any truth to it, even if it's just a little truth. Sad thing is, I ate McDonald's today anyway.

Running with Scissors is one of those movies that you start watching and wonder why you haven't turned it off, but you just want to know what happens... really, you wonder if anything will ever happen at all. This is a story based on someone's personal memoirs, which is really sad if all the crap that happens really happened to him. Annette Benning really does a great job of playing a pathetic crazy mother (if you can really think of her that way in the film), but overall, it's just two hours of wondering where in the world this crazy train is going.

I also have The Last King of Scotland and Half Nelson awaiting a spin in the DVD player, so as you can see I am on a little bit of an artsy fartsy kick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh! You have to watch "Super Size Me" also. It is a documentary about a guy that eats fast food every day for a month and how it affects his body. We went for about a month not eating fast food after that one.