Saturday, June 02, 2007

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

30 Years to be exact.

That's how long it has been since George Lucas made the first Star Wars movie, Episode IV: A New Hope.

Cheryl and I have been having a little movie marathon this weekend. We are watching all of the Star Wars films, Episodes 1 - 6. Personally, I've never been a huge Star Wars fan, but we've been kind of flipping through them on the TiVo.

HBO started showing all six back to back in HD Friday afternoon to celebrate the 30 year anniversary.

We watched Episode IV all the way through. I don't really remember Episode V & VI that well, so we'll probably watch most of those too. We both like Episode III the best so far... I'm a sucker for the Lightsaber fights, plus watching Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader is pretty interesting.

Jar Jar was a really bad idea, but Yoda with a Lightsaber is a thing of beauty.

I'm even scaring myself now... can Comic Books be that far behind? Let's hope we never have to answer that one.

May the Force Be With You.


Cheryl said...

I have decided I like III and V the best.

Heather said...

Jacob and Andrew would have loved to sit through that marathon with you

d-roc said...

I knew you'd come to the dark side of geekdom. I like Episode V, and II the best. I have plenty of comic books if you would ever decide to.......