Saturday, October 22, 2005


It's hard to believe that Aaron and I set out on our journey tomorrow.

There are a laundry list of things that I wish I had accomplished before I left, but overall I have a real peace about this trip. Aaron mentioned on his Blog that many people have given him a word about this trip. Words about what God is going to do, what He is going to show us and who knows what else. The idea of not knowing excites me. I can't wait to share with you what God reveals about Himself and shares with us
through His wonderous beauty of creation.

I know that great things are in store, not just because Aaron has heard about it, but thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law Phiona sharing the same words with me at breakfast this morning, I can say I have confirmation!

I am going to try really hard to keep everyone up to date, so check back often. Leave a comment or two to let me know you are out there too. More than anything, when you think of
me, pray for me. I covet your prayers.

First stop... Nashville! We'll see if we can't get Aaron to understand how awesome Country Music is... we can hope anyway.

God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great trip man...I will miss you guys out here in the West, but I totally understand it. Maybe next year you could make a trip to the NorthWest.

"The Charismatic with a seatbelt on"

Scott Donnelly said...


Trust me when I say, we were and still are a bit bummed that we are not headed out to the beautiful state of Oregon. I said "Or-a-gin" too, not "Or-a-gon." I would have got along well with the natives.

You are in my prayers... hope to see you soon.

Cheryl said...

I love you and will miss you - I can't wait to see you next week.


Lifetime Dieter said...

Have a great trip Scott! Larry and I will be praying for you. Stop by Brownstown when you get home!