Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bailey Boy


I can't believe this cute little puppy is now our BIG Bailey Boy! This picture was taken the night we picked him out. He was six weeks old.

Bailey has had his ups and downs over the past year, but he has been a great little guy overall. I'm sure that we spoil him to death, but look at that face, how can we resist?

If you've met him, I'm sure you know how much he loves people. Evidenced by the constant attack he sends your way trying to receive your affections. It really drives me crazy when he acts that way, but I have to remember (and I hope you do too) he's only a puppy. At the age of one, he is pretty well behaved. No problems with relieving himself in the house. In fact, that happened maybe 2 or 3 times the first two weeks he was with us and never again. He doesn't destroy things (unless they are meant to be). He still needs to learn to come to his owners when they call, but he is great little companion.

Cheryl and I are very happy to have him in our lives. He makes me laugh. He makes me angry sometimes. He really makes my life an adventure and I love that about him.

Some people treat their animals like their children... I think we can be that way sometimes, but when you see that cute little face look up at you, how can you not love him? Not easy is it?


Anonymous said...

Dearest Scotty-

Just read the "fat page",(8-12-05)and being 3x myself, I can relate. I think this blog idea is great, and a great source for outreach, eh? Give call or e-mail
Love to you and Cheryl,
Uncle GAS

Anonymous said...

Congratulations... You are a crazy dog person.

Scott Donnelly said...

Uncle Gary!

Thanks for reading the Blog... Cheryl and I would love to see you guys someday soon.

Mr. Anonymous (aka Scott P.) don't hate on the dog lovers out there. We can't help it. There just so darn cute!

Faithful Joy said...

Those are quite possibley the most precious dog pics I have ever seen! Bailey rocks!

Scott Donnelly said...

You gotta' love him!