Do you know how weird you look when you are outside playing with your dog and tears start to roll down your cheek? I know, pretty weird, but if you know me at all, I like being weird - being me.
This morning I'm playing with our handsome little doggie, Bailey, and I decided to listen to some of the older stuff on the iPod. The other night I began a pilgrimage through everything Michael W. Smith, and on this day we came to the album, I'll Lead You Home (1995). On that album there is a song that always gets me. It's called, "The Other Side of Me." Even as I write the title, tears well up in my eyes.
I love being in love with my wife, Cheryl. In the infamous words of Jerry Maguire, she, "completes me." I can see people rolling their eyes and that's fine for them, but when you find a love like this it's hard to contain. I feel like Eddie Murphy in Coming to America as he walks home from his first date with the woman of his dreams. I want to shout out loud... I LOVE HER! People are yelling at me, telling me to shut up, but I can't do it.
There are many songs that Cheryl and I share a fondness for, for many different reasons. But the songs about true love always make us treasure what we have. My prayer is that everyone might be able to experience what we have. I mean that sincerely. I pray that God will bless others the way He has blessed us.
I could never share or experience this type of love if it weren't for Him. He loved me and now I in turn can love others. His love is the model. I am so thankful that He is alive in me so that I can truly love...
The Other Side of Me
If they were to write about
The story of my life
They would have to mention you
With every page they'd write
There's another side to every story told
If I were the ocean
You would be the shore
And one without the other one
Would be needing something more
We are the shadow and the light
Always love me
Never leave me now
Now you are the other side of me
Always love me
Never leave me now
Now you are the other side of me
I have known the emptiness
Of feeling out of touch
And living life without you here
Would be living half as much
Cause I've a need that only you can fill
If love was mathematical
You'd understand the sum
to the heart's equation
Where one and one makes one
And lonely equals me minus you
- Michael W. Smith